Ok so Tuesday I had all great intentions to work out at 5:30 in the AM but it just didn't happen. The alarm went off and I couldn't do it. I knew I should of but I talked myself into thinking I could workout at naptime. NOT! Nap time rolled around and I did everything but workout. A load of laundry, talking to my peeps....... yes everything except turning on the DVD player and just doing it. By the end of the day I was pretty frustrated with myself. How am I supposed to write on this if I don't even do it. I ended the night eating a bear claw and just called it a day.
So Wednesday rolls around and now I am feeling guilty. I didn't wake up at the crack of dawn and I think its going to be another crappy day of not working out. But surprise, surprise I got a run in!!!! First let me just say, I lurve running!!! I was nervous because I haven't run in 3 weeks cuz of the nasty cough, and I was pretty slow but it felt amazing. I did have to stop at one point and have a coughing fit, but not bad for 3 weeks of no running.
What I learned from this is things don't always go as planned. Sometimes you need to fit in a workout whenever you can. But you do have to fit it in. Because I ran last night, I felt obligated to eat better this morning. I still snuck in 2, ok 3 chocolate kisses but I haven't even looked at a bear claw.
My run:
4.0 miles
pace 9:22 (told you it was slow)
time: 36 minutes
Tonight I am doing arms and shoulders and I love this workout! So how have you done this week?
Much love,
Last night I looked over my rant and started to wonder if I made it clear why I am doing this. So before I proceed to tell you how yesterday went I want to put out my disclaimer:
1) I am doing this for me. Not for selfish reasons, its just that God gave me this one body and well I should take care of it. I am not trying to evade getting old or looking old I just want to grow old with finesse. I actually like my age. I feel that I wear 35 well.
But I also realize that if I don't start and maintain an effort to keep myself well now, the likely hood that I will when I'm in my 40's is slim to none.
2) I feel good when I work out. Those endorphins kick in and I feel like I can conquer anything! I am happier too. I am not miss Grumpy pants all the time. I have more patience to tackle motherhood and all the craziness that comes along with that. I can be a nice and loving wife. Also when its that time of the month I can handle the hormonal ups and downs much better, cuz it's not so extreme.
3) I like the way my man looks at me :) It feels amazing when he pinches my behind and says,"WOW babe!" That is the best feeling in the world. Don't get me wrong here ladies! I am not doing this just for him and to be his eye candy (refer back to #1) but it is nice when he notices the hard work I put in. And lets face it, who doesn't want to be their husbands eye candy!
I did get in a shoulder and back work out through p90x. I am definitely sore this morning. I haven't worked out yet, but I will in about 30 minutes. No cardio for Monday....
My eating was OK. Although I have some lemon bars that I have fallen victim to. I promise I will get rid of those soon.....
that's all for now!
Much love,
I am really trying to make a go of the fitness thing. But a few things I am realizing is......
1) I need accountability
2) I need to see the changes in my body and well being
3) I need to talk about it
So with that being said I am going to start blogging about my struggles and victories with fitness. Let me give you some background:
I am not totally out of shape. I ran a 1/2 marathon in November and have kept up running at least 10 miles a week. But about 3 weeks ago I came down with a gnarly sinus and chest infection and i have been out of comission. I don't have a gym membership but I will be doing P90X to get in weights and build up my strength training.
As for food this is where I totally fall apart. I love me some fast food. Not all the time but at least once a week. I do cook many meals at home but I wouldn't say they are always uber healthy. I can't say I'll ever denounce fast food but I am going to make a valiant effort to make healthier choices with eating.
Because I work at home and am very busy taking care of the littles and my hubby I will struggle with the time to work out. I do know this I don't do well after 5. I know that sounds dumb but with struggling to find the time this last past year, when I do work out after 5pm I don't give 100%. So my goal is to work out in the morning. This means I will be getting up and working out at 5:30! That is crazy to me too, but I think this is the only time. Because P90X is a six day a week program I will have a rough time fitting in runs but I will do my best.
I am hoping to blog daily to keep myself motivated and accountable. Even if its just a short entry I need to talk about it and reflect. Now for the the nitty gritty:
My weight is 131.5
My Height is 60 in.
I don't know my BMI but I will figure it out soon.
I also don't know my measurement but I will get one of those thingies to figure it out soon.
Last but not least here are the pictures:
So there you have it. The photos do me no justice and my room needs some tiding up but these photos will just have to do. I wish I had one of those cool computer jobbers so I could circle my areas that I hate but I am sure you all can figure that out.
Are you ready? I am!
Because we don't have too many days that the whole family is around, we decided to have a family day this last Saturday. The agenda was short and sweet.
1. Let momma sleep in.... oh wait, that was just on my agenda
2. Eat a yummy breakfast
3. Go miniture golfing
We had a blast. Enjoy the pix!much love,
Many of you have known me for a minute or two and know that I had braces on forever! I was like 14 when it all started and by the end I was 18. Four years of my stinkin' life devoted to metal. I was a total geek of the week. Hence the ugly photo.....
So, many years later........
Kids, this is what happens when you don't listen to your parents. My mom haunted me with "Did you wear your retainer?" Did I listen? NO. Now look, as a grown ol' lady, here I am with braces, again. Notice the ugly yellow tooth? Thats the whole reason I have to wear braces. It went down like this:
Dr."So is there anything would like to change about your smile?"
Me: "Yup"
Dr: "What?"
Me: " You haven't noticed?"
Dr: "no"
Me: " The henious, ugly, yellow tooth"
Dr: "Oh that"
Me: "Duh!?!" (ok so I really didn't say this but I was thinking it)
Dr: "we can fix that but to really fix your smile you'll need braces, AGAIN"
Me: "What? How did you know I already had braces?"
Dr: " Cuz I'm the Dr."
Me: "OH" "So braces then ugly tooth gone?"
Dr: "Yup"
There you have it people. I have braces for a year and then he will fix my ugly tooth. Straight vanity on my part. I know.
Ok so I know I decided a long time ago that I wasn't going to keep a blog, but so many times I want to share something with my family and I think to myself....."dang it, self, no more blog"......
So I have decided to try yet again! Although this time I hope to be more deligent.