Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Posted by Robert and Monica Castillo

Last night I looked over my rant and started to wonder if I made it clear why I am doing this. So before I proceed to tell you how yesterday went I want to put out my disclaimer:

1) I am doing this for me. Not for selfish reasons, its just that God gave me this one body and well I should take care of it. I am not trying to evade getting old or looking old I just want to grow old with finesse. I actually like my age. I feel that I wear 35 well.
But I also realize that if I don't start and maintain an effort to keep myself well now, the likely hood that I will when I'm in my 40's is slim to none.

2) I feel good when I work out. Those endorphins kick in and I feel like I can conquer anything! I am happier too. I am not miss Grumpy pants all the time. I have more patience to tackle motherhood and all the craziness that comes along with that. I can be a nice and loving wife. Also when its that time of the month I can handle the hormonal ups and downs much better, cuz it's not so extreme.

3) I like the way my man looks at me :) It feels amazing when he pinches my behind and says,"WOW babe!" That is the best feeling in the world. Don't get me wrong here ladies! I am not doing this just for him and to be his eye candy (refer back to #1) but it is nice when he notices the hard work I put in. And lets face it, who doesn't want to be their husbands eye candy!


I did get in a shoulder and back work out through p90x. I am definitely sore this morning. I haven't worked out yet, but I will in about 30 minutes. No cardio for Monday....

My eating was OK. Although I have some lemon bars that I have fallen victim to. I promise I will get rid of those soon.....

that's all for now!

Much love,