Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tuesday was not a good day.....

Posted by Robert and Monica Castillo

Ok so Tuesday I had all great intentions to work out at 5:30 in the AM but it just didn't happen. The alarm went off and I couldn't do it. I knew I should of but I talked myself into thinking I could workout at naptime. NOT! Nap time rolled around and I did everything but workout. A load of laundry, talking to my peeps....... yes everything except turning on the DVD player and just doing it. By the end of the day I was pretty frustrated with myself. How am I supposed to write on this if I don't even do it. I ended the night eating a bear claw and just called it a day.

So Wednesday rolls around and now I am feeling guilty. I didn't wake up at the crack of dawn and I think its going to be another crappy day of not working out. But surprise, surprise I got a run in!!!! First let me just say, I lurve running!!! I was nervous because I haven't run in 3 weeks cuz of the nasty cough, and I was pretty slow but it felt amazing. I did have to stop at one point and have a coughing fit, but not bad for 3 weeks of no running.

What I learned from this is things don't always go as planned. Sometimes you need to fit in a workout whenever you can. But you do have to fit it in. Because I ran last night, I felt obligated to eat better this morning. I still snuck in 2, ok 3 chocolate kisses but I haven't even looked at a bear claw.

My run:
4.0 miles
pace 9:22 (told you it was slow)
time: 36 minutes

Tonight I am doing arms and shoulders and I love this workout! So how have you done this week?

Much love,

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Posted by Robert and Monica Castillo

Last night I looked over my rant and started to wonder if I made it clear why I am doing this. So before I proceed to tell you how yesterday went I want to put out my disclaimer:

1) I am doing this for me. Not for selfish reasons, its just that God gave me this one body and well I should take care of it. I am not trying to evade getting old or looking old I just want to grow old with finesse. I actually like my age. I feel that I wear 35 well.
But I also realize that if I don't start and maintain an effort to keep myself well now, the likely hood that I will when I'm in my 40's is slim to none.

2) I feel good when I work out. Those endorphins kick in and I feel like I can conquer anything! I am happier too. I am not miss Grumpy pants all the time. I have more patience to tackle motherhood and all the craziness that comes along with that. I can be a nice and loving wife. Also when its that time of the month I can handle the hormonal ups and downs much better, cuz it's not so extreme.

3) I like the way my man looks at me :) It feels amazing when he pinches my behind and says,"WOW babe!" That is the best feeling in the world. Don't get me wrong here ladies! I am not doing this just for him and to be his eye candy (refer back to #1) but it is nice when he notices the hard work I put in. And lets face it, who doesn't want to be their husbands eye candy!


I did get in a shoulder and back work out through p90x. I am definitely sore this morning. I haven't worked out yet, but I will in about 30 minutes. No cardio for Monday....

My eating was OK. Although I have some lemon bars that I have fallen victim to. I promise I will get rid of those soon.....

that's all for now!

Much love,

Monday, February 22, 2010


Posted by Robert and Monica Castillo

I am really trying to make a go of the fitness thing. But a few things I am realizing is......
1) I need accountability
2) I need to see the changes in my body and well being
3) I need to talk about it

So with that being said I am going to start blogging about my struggles and victories with fitness. Let me give you some background:

I am not totally out of shape. I ran a 1/2 marathon in November and have kept up running at least 10 miles a week. But about 3 weeks ago I came down with a gnarly sinus and chest infection and i have been out of comission. I don't have a gym membership but I will be doing P90X to get in weights and build up my strength training.

As for food this is where I totally fall apart. I love me some fast food. Not all the time but at least once a week. I do cook many meals at home but I wouldn't say they are always uber healthy. I can't say I'll ever denounce fast food but I am going to make a valiant effort to make healthier choices with eating.

Because I work at home and am very busy taking care of the littles and my hubby I will struggle with the time to work out. I do know this I don't do well after 5. I know that sounds dumb but with struggling to find the time this last past year, when I do work out after 5pm I don't give 100%. So my goal is to work out in the morning. This means I will be getting up and working out at 5:30! That is crazy to me too, but I think this is the only time. Because P90X is a six day a week program I will have a rough time fitting in runs but I will do my best.

I am hoping to blog daily to keep myself motivated and accountable. Even if its just a short entry I need to talk about it and reflect. Now for the the nitty gritty:

My weight is 131.5
My Height is 60 in.
I don't know my BMI but I will figure it out soon.
I also don't know my measurement but I will get one of those thingies to figure it out soon.

Last but not least here are the pictures:

So there you have it. The photos do me no justice and my room needs some tiding up but these photos will just have to do. I wish I had one of those cool computer jobbers so I could circle my areas that I hate but I am sure you all can figure that out.

Are you ready? I am!
