Monday, July 7, 2008

Gabe turned 2!

Posted by Robert and Monica Castillo

Gabe got in trouble so big brother gave him so love.

Well another year has passed and my babies are getting bigger. Gabe turned two this fourth of July and he and his brother had some fun on his new jeep. I remember two years ago I was getting ready to have some family over to light fireworks and enjoy a BBQ when my back started hurting. After a few hours I realized that it wasn't back pain from cleaning it was contractions. I told Rob and he told me to sit down and maybe they would go away. But they didn't and around 7 or so that night Gabriel Castillo was born three weeks early and 8lbs 14oz! Thank goodness he was early! I hope you all had a Happy 4th!

Much Love,
the castillos