Monday, October 20, 2008

Yes...I'm still alive

Posted by Robert and Monica Castillo

What a party pooper I have been. It's all Rob's fault. He has me hooked on his laptop. I just sit in bed and drink my coffee and do all my internet stuff, but because he won't let me put in any pix onto his laptop I always think "Oh I'll get to my blog tomorrow," and well as you can see it's not high on my to do list. Let's see what has been going on....

Arianna is cheering her little butt off. She made team Captain and she loves telling all those little girlies what to do.

Nathanael is doing really good in school. He has all these little friends who run up to him every morning and give him a hug. I can't believe he is in preschool.

Gabe, well let's just say.....he's just Gabe. He is my boy who walks to his own drum. He is amazing and can knock a girl off her feet with his cute little smile. We tried potty training, but it didn't work out so well so I have decided to wait after the hoidays.
He is talking less japanese and more english which is super helpful.

Rob and I are doing well. It's been pretty quiet on the home front. We have just been lovin on our kids and lovin that the Brownells are close. I hope all is well with everyone.


Debbie said...

Congrats Ari!! Rah!
How about sending me these pix? I need a new one of all the kids for my new walls.
Everyone is growing up SO fast!
Hey, kids. What time do you go to bed? Heh-heh.